Medical Scholars Program
Welcome to one of the most advanced, hands on medical mentorship programs in the country for high school students with a passion for service. This immersive program is offered as part of the Osborne Head and Neck Foundation’s Medical Academy and provides accepted Scholars with unprecedented access to opportunities typically reserved for medical students.
Ready to get started? Learn More Below.
Youth Leaders of Global Change
Our goal is to inspire the next generation of leaders to make a difference in the world through a profession rooted in community. Medicine is not simply a career, it’s a life’s passion and a vehicle for change.
In the Medical Academy students learn about the realities of what it takes to pursue and practice medicine for the betterment of humanity through hands on experience.
Explore the Medical Scholars program
What Is The Foundation?
The Osborne Head and Neck Foundation changes lives through medical, educational, and business development programs that build stronger and healthier communities.
Our network of compassionate supporters invest in humanitarian programs all over the world, including Medical Missions, need based surgical and clinical care, and Impact Missions focused on lifting children out of poverty.
The Medical Academy strives to inspire future leaders in medicine to join our organization and continue to care for the most vulnerable among us, long into the future. Learn more about our services here.
About the Medical Scholars Program
Dates: June 9, 2025 – June 27, 2025
Academic Level: High School Students in 10 – 12th grade
Scholarship Value: $8,000 – Private donors and corporate sponsors cover the operational expenses of students accepted into the program, ensuring a diverse pool of applicants from all backgrounds. Incidentals not covered include masks, Covid-19 testing, scrubs, and lab coats.

Program Features
- Facilitated as a hybrid in-person and remote learning experience for Los Angeles based students. Remote learning is also available for accepted students outside the geographical area of LA County.
- Mentors include some of the countries most well respected medical experts from over a dozen disciplines.
- Meet the program faculty here.
- OR Orientation and OR scrub-in techniques
- Hands-on laboratory training including suturing and knot tying
- Introduction to clinical rounds; taking vitals, bedside manor and more
- Medical School interview and application guidance
- Opportunities for medical writing and publication
- Grand Rounds presentation
- Didactics and practicals
- Connection with like-minded peers and leaders, forming a lifetime of mentorship and support
Medical Disciplines featured
Our faculty and mentors include some of the countries most well respected medical experts in a wide range of disciplines. Student Scholars learn about potential career paths, cutting edge medical procedures, and the academic trajectory of each discipline. Explore past subject matter below and get to know your mentors.
Welcome to Your Community
The Alumni Network fosters a community of Medical Academy graduates who work together and create opportunities to volunteer, mentor, and lead in ways that we can make a positive impact in the world.
Together we support each other in our personal goals, empower each other to create positive change in our own communities, and strive to live a life that uses our talents and encourages others to do the same.

How To Apply:
2025 scholarship application is Now OPEN until April 11th.
All applicants will be emailed regardless of acceptance by May 2, 2025.
What You Will Need
All documents must be submitted as a PDFs
- A gmail account is required to upload your documents
- Cover sheet (see sample)
- School Transcript
- Personal Essays (Four in total uploaded in one document. See additional instructions below)
- Letter of recommendation from a teacher
- Letter of recommendation from a school counselor
- Resume including education, volunteer, work experience, extracurricular activities, awards and leadership positions. No more than 2 pages.
1 Personal Essay
Requirements: 12 point font, 1 – 1.5 pages, single spaced
This is your time to shine. We want to learn who you authentically are, what motivates you and the impact you hope to make in the world.
Your personal essay should broadly answer two questions; “Why am I interested in a career in medicine?” and “Why do I want to participate in the Medical Scholars Program?”
3 Short Answer
50 word limit each question on a separate page from your personal essay.
1. What inspires you and why?
2. What are 5 things that are important to you and why?
3. Anything you feel is missing from your application that you would like to elaborate on
When completed you will have one document with 2-3 pages to upload to the “personal essay file” on your application
School counselors and teachers may upload their letters of recommendation here.

Student Reviews

Name: Waynelle Ize-Iyamu
High School: Viewpoint School
Grade: 12
College Plans: I plan to attend a 4 year university and then Medical School
WHY WAYNELLE APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I have always been told I was going to be a doctor, but I also love biology, anatomy, and many sciences, so I wanted to do this program to help gain insight on if I actually wanted to be a doctor or was it outside influences? I also applied because I wanted to learn about applying to medical school and be able to talk to professional doctors about all the question I had. The program is very intellectually engaging and I applied because I wanted to know if I could intellectually perform at a such a high intensity for a prolonged amount of time and still enjoy what I’m doing.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The program accomplished all the things I hoped it would do. I was able to definitively answer my question on if I really wanted to be a doctor or was it my parents instilling their beliefs on me. I learned new skills like writing SOAP notes, suturing, and holding long professional conversations with adults. This program helped me gain confidence in my intellectual abilities, my dreams and changed my outlook on life. MSP relies on more than just intellect it also requires and teaches teamwork, communication, confidence, practicality, and empathy.

Name: Natalie Glassman
High School: Culver City High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: 4 Year University
WHY NATALIE APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the Medical Scholars Program because I wanted an authentic view of the medical field and the opportunity to get an early start on my education. I was also looking for a program that would offer me hands-on experience, and MSP seemed like the perfect place to get that.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I wasn’t really sure what to expect going into this program, but it far exceeded any expectations that I did have. From the very first day, we were immersed in the medical world and we got to participate in activities that high school students likely wouldn’t have the opportunity to do anywhere else. The doctors were always interested in teaching us and making sure we understood what was going on, whether that be in clinic or in surgery. Getting to see how the doctors interact with patients, and getting to interact with patients ourselves, was invaluable and taught me lessons that I’ll carry with me in the future. Besides all of the medical knowledge I gained, I also formed amazing relationships. As students, we bonded so quickly with both one another and with the OHNI team, and if I had the choice I would repeat the program in a heartbeat.

Name: Malaika Jamal
High School: Granada Hills Charter High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: Attend a 4-Year University; Major: Biology, Minor: Neuroscience; Pre-Med
WHY MALAIKA APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to this amazing program because I believed that this invaluable and rewarding opportunity would give me the professional opportunity to kick-start my career and achieve academic success. I hoped that participation in this program would permit me to make the best progress toward my ambition, satisfy the demands of my interest in medicine, and make a positive impact in my life. I wanted to meet people who could inspire me, challenge me, and teach me about all aspects of medicine so that I one day could enter this profession.
PROGRAM REVIEW: This program has been one of the most insightful and rewarding programs that I have ever been to. I am truly grateful to have been able to gain this experience. OHNI exceeded my expectations in every possible way. I was able to gain an accurate representation of what it is like to be in the medical field and I concluded the program feeling much more confident about my decision to pursue a career in medicine. I was able to see surgery for the first time and I was exposed to concepts that I did not really give much thought to such as medical ethics, importance of trust, and looking at things from a different point of view.
I honestly loved how the program challenged me. Regardless of where my knowledge was at, each question was met with an answer and each doctor was able to thoroughly explain and further my insight.
I was able to grow as a person because all of the doctors really become your role models and are there to make sure that you have the best experience. From amazing people to amazing life lessons, I could not have spent my summer at a more amazing internship.
OHNI is definitely the place to be because I know that I would never want to leave!

Name: Sarp Kurtoglu
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 11
College Plans: 4 year university
WHY SARP APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I knew that I wanted to do medicine as a career because of my strength and interest in biological sciences. However, I did not know what I was going into. I wanted a real experience that could show me all of the aspects of medicine and patient care.
PROGRAM REVIEW: It was a very unique experience. The doctors, the staff, their vision, and the clinic are very unique. This program helped me understand that I want to go into medicine. They showed us all the aspects of medicine, from ethics to suturing to patient communication to the doctors’ responsibility. I really appreciated that all of the staff and doctors gave us this opportunity.

Name: Tyler Lum
High School: South High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: To be determined
WHY TYLER APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: Going into my senior year, I wanted to get a better understanding of what it was like to work in the medical field, especially since I would be dedicating the next four, possibly eight years toward becoming a physician. As far as I know, most internship opportunities for high school students are exclusively research based; while research is important, it doesn’t embody the true role of a doctor. I applied to the Medical Scholars Program because its unique aspects—lectures, clinical shadowing, surgeries—would provide me the exposure necessary to decide whether or not the profession was for me.
PROGRAM REVIEW:I am grateful to have worked as an intern under the Osborne Head & Neck Institute Medical Scholars Program. The amount of knowledge and experience I acquired from working alongside the doctors was incredible. There was always something new to be learned, whether it was a lecture session, a clinical observation, or a surgical procedure. By the second week I was skipping lunches, coming in by six in the morning and getting home by five in the afternoon— voluntarily of course. In terms of workload, there were certainly times I stayed up all night, but for the amount of effort I put in, I would receive back tenfold. This program was designed to be flexible. Every question is met with an answer, and every intellectual inquiry is flooded with support. All the staff members share a genuine passion and the doctors represent everything you’d expect from a medical professional: integrity, dedication, and empathy. If you are considering becoming a physician, then this is where you need to be. It’s not everyday you find a program that offers such an in depth experience. As I look toward the future, nothing excites me more than the thought of joining the field of medicine.

Name: Edward Wolfson
High School: Viewpoint High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: Liberal arts school on the east coast.
WHY EDWARD APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: It was unique in that it offered the amazing opportunity to shadow physicians, observe surgery, and learn about medicine–all at no cost.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I loved the MSP program! I was able to scrub into surgery, shadow amazing physicians, learn more about medicine, and receive valuable advice on the path to medicine. I haven’t heard of any other program which offers the same opportunities to high school students. My time in the program was unforgettable and I left knowing that I want to be a physician.

Name: Kennedy Dierks
High School: Bishop Montgomery High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: 4 Year University, Pre-Medicine
WHY KENNEDY APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to OHNI’s Medical Scholars Program because I wanted to experience the day-to-day life of a surgeon, and confirm that medicine is the right career for me.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The Medical Scholars Program was absolutely incredible; it offered an accurate glimpse into the life of an ENT surgeon and more hands-on learning than any other program I’ve encountered. I had the opportunity to shadow a physician in all aspects of their day, from patient consultation and interaction to surgery, and I loved every single moment of it. The entire staff was welcoming, and were extremely insightful with all aspects of medicine, from school to eventual practice. I am so grateful for the experience, and, because of Osborne Head & Neck Institute, am confident in my decision to study medicine.

Name: Jillian Neuner
High School: Marymount High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: Attend a 4-Year University; Biochemistry Major; Pre-Med
WHY JILLIAN APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program because I am interested in pursuing a career in medicine, and I desired to learn from surgeons who could share both their academic as well as their professional experiences and advice. I also wanted to be placed in an engaging environment that would allow me to learn more about the medical field as well as the ways in which I can achieve my goal of becoming a physician.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I gained so much insight into the medical field from the OHNI Student Mentorship Program, and I left feeling much more confident in my desire to pursue a career in medicine. I learned all about the proper methods for diagnosis, medical ethics, and how to properly research, and I had the privilege of observing fascinating surgeries. Additionally, each doctor shared a lot of advice about their track to becoming a physician, and their experiences provided more clarity for my future goals. I now feel more knowledgeable about the ENT field specifically as well as the broader foundations of medicine.

Name: Venkat Karnam
High School: West High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: Biological Sciences at University of California, Irvine
WHY VENKAT APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: In my endeavor to pursue a career in medicine, I applied to the OHNI Medical Scholars Program. In addition to my prior research experience, I felt that participation in this program will permit me to make the best progress toward my ambition, satisfy the demands of my interest in biomedical sciences, and make a positive impact in the world.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The Medical Scholars Program at OHNI provides you the opportunity to acquire and enhance the skill set, ethics, and the motivation necessary to achieve success as an aspiring physician. It provides truly an eye-opening experience as the participant is exposed to all the avenues of practicing medicine both in terms of academia and clinical empathy.

Name: Abigale Lischak
High School: Archer School For Girls
Grade: 11
College Plans: 4 year college
WHY ABIGALE APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program because I wanted to gain insight about the medical field. I had been interested in pursuing medicine previous to applying. I decided to apply to the program because I wanted to understand what a career in medicine would look like and figure out what I would like to pursue in college. As I searched for programs for high school students I quickly realized not many programs existed that provided a hands-on experience in a real medical environment. This student mentorship program stood out as being a program where I would truly be exposed to the medical field.
PROGRAM REVIEW: This program was truly amazing! Everyday of the program I was constantly in awe of what we were able to participate in. I never expected to learn, see, and do as much as I did. During the program I got the opportunity to shadow many of the doctors at the practice, see many aspects of ENT medicine, observe surgeries (even scrub in during a surgery), and practice skills such as suturing. These experiences made me feel like I was really understanding what a future in medicine would look like. Hearing from the doctors about their personal experiences with their education and career was invaluable information that will/has helped me decide how I would like to pursue my goals.

Name: Jeanine Hernandez
High School: Notre Dame Academy
Grade: 12
College Plans: 4 year university; pre-med
WHY JEANINE APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Medical Scholars Program to get solid experience in a medical environment. I wanted to be around people that could mentor me and give me an insight on medicine.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I recommend this program for anyone who has even the slightest interest in medicine. You will experience things that other kids your age couldn’t even possibly imagine. The knowledge I gained was incredíble but it was not only book smarts that I obtained but also general advice about life. The people here will all become your mentors and they are all willing to share their knowledge and experiences. The time and money everyone puts into the program shows you how important you are and how determined they are to help you succeed. Being part of this program has been one of the most valuable things I have done. I am proud to say I am part of the OHNI family.

Name: David Bakalov
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: Still applying
WHY DAVID APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I really wanted exposure to the surgical private practice career. This program gave me that opportunity by allowing me to shadow doctors as they performed surgeries and admitted patients.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The OHNI Medical Scholars Program was amazing. I had the fortune of learning medical and life lessons that I likely would not have been introduced to until I reached medical school. These lessons have really helped me understand what the road ahead will be like if I were to continue in my pursuit of becoming a surgeon. In addition, the entire staff at OHNI was incredibly welcoming and willing to dedicate their time to us. Witnessing firsthand such a strong and healthy relationship among everyone working there (a dynamic not very common in private practices) was incredibly inspiring.

Name: Kelly Lopez
High School: Harvard-Westlake School
Grade: 12
College Plans: Attend a 4-year University
WHY KELLY APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program because I wanted exposure to the medical field. Though I have volunteered at hospitals, I have never had the opportunity to work alongside professionals and write medical journals. I thought this would be a fun program for the summer, and I was not disappointed.
PROGRAM REVIEW: After this program, I have learned the sacrifices that one must take to pursue a career in the medical field. We had a raw and real perspective that many medical students are not exposed to. I have enjoyed every activity and even the challenging questions posed by Dr. Osborne. The welcoming environment at OHNI allowed for mistakes to become learning opportunities. I am incredibly thankful for this opportunity and highly recommend it.

Name: Cameron Smith
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: Four-Year University (pre-med). UCLA, USC, Occidental
WHY CAMERON APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied because I sought further exposure to the medical field to determine whether the private practice environment was suitable for my personality or not, and wanted to demonstrate to colleges that I am actively pursuing a career in medicine.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The program was phenomenal; it was extremely engaging and different from other internships I have previously held. I expected to, justifiably, serve as a minor focus to the doctors and simply watch them from background. Instead, I was pleasantly surprised to learn how invested the staff was in ensuring our education during our stay. For instance, two highly qualified surgeons, whom have little time to spare, spent several hours teaching us how to properly suture; I was enthralled and excited to come to the program everyday. I highly recommend this program for anyone even remotely interested in pursuing a career in the medical field.

Name: Rafael Enciso
High School: Alexander Hamilton High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: Microbiology and Immunology (UCSD) & Keck School of Medicine of USC
WHY RAFAEL APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: The program was recommended to me, and described with such awe and motion that I could not resist.
I craved for clinical exposure in the healthcare, and the OHNI student mentorship program appeared to fulfill my aspiration to understand medicine and the environment that it creates. It was a long shot, it is a very competitive program and every applying individual is aspiring to enter the same field as you. However, the program invited the safe competitive atmosphere that I was looking for. It appeared to be an opportunity that would not arise again.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The program was beyond anything I could have imagined, the level of immersion that we received as medical scholars was incomparable. For instance, as members of the program we were invited to attend surgical procedures, in which we could observe and ask questions, while the procedure was conducted. The amount of dedication that the staff and physicians had to the program was phenomenal, reserving most of their day to instruct and teach us. During clinical hours, attendees would walk one-on-on with an attending physician ( an experience that we would not be a part of until medical school) . Every single lecture or clinical aspect was tailored to teach and immerse us into the field of medicine. This program officially cemented by passion for medicine, reminded me about the humanity and humility in the practice.
The OHNI Student Medical Program is a strong foundation in my passion for medicine.

Name: Mariko Rooks
High School: Culver City High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: First choice: Princeton; Second Choice: Pomona College (with support through admissions from softball program)
WHY MARIKO APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I wanted to immerse myself in the clinical side of healthcare to better understand the industry as a whole and the people that I hopefully be working with and advocating for in my future career. My goal is to find positions in healthcare that allow me to serve as a bridge between those in clinical healthcare, those in policy, and those in underserved communities, preferably in the field of community. I am also interested in coordinating healthcare outreach and rectifying healthcare disparity at a systemic level. Some organizations that would allow me to potentially do this are: The UN, Doctors Without Borders, FEMA, and various CBOs (Community-Based Organizations) that specialize in healthcare. While I wasn’t originally sure that this program would be the best fit for what I’m interested in doing, I found that it was invaluable in helping me clarify my future goals and has even made me consider the possibility of medical school.
PROGRAM REVIEW: This program was one of the most challenging and rewarding things that I have ever done. Clinical medicine requires a very specific mind frame and thought process that I hadn’t even known existed, and this experience helped me develop both. The program itself was incredibly rigorous and demanding, but this is because the practical opportunities it offers -such as article publication, labs, shadowing doctors, and surgery observation,- are unprecedented at a high school level, and because the staff pushes each student to think and perform at their highest possible level.
What really made this program invaluable, however, were the lessons I learned about compassion, work ethic, and success from the doctors and staff. I am so thankful for the mentors and support I have found at this institution, and this program confirmed with absolute certainty that I want to pursue the field of healthcare.
Name: Taylor Osborne
High School: Notre Dame Academy
Grade: 11
College Plans: 4 year University, Pre-med
WHY TAYLOR APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship program because I wanted to be sure medicine was the right path for me. I wanted an immersive experience that would allow me to see what I could be doing when I got older.
PROGRAM REVIEW: This program was absolutely amazing. We were put in an environment where everyone was on the same team. Every person you encountered was willing to help however they could. All of the surgeons were eager and willing to teach and share their knowledge in their specific field. Also, we were able to get the type of hands on experience that isn’t available at any other program. I especially enjoyed the Medical Ethics discussions because it’s not something that people usually discuss with students in high school. I highly recommend this program to any student who thinks they definitely want to go into medicine. After this program, you will know for sure.

Name: Joshua Fouladian
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: UCLA/USC
WHY JOSHUA APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I wanted a clinical exposure to the medical field, deeper experiences to volunteering at a hospital or what I learned in school. Also, I had always been fascinated by surgery, so the OHNI Student Mentorship Program seemed like an excellent fit.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I had an amazing time at OHNI. Everyday when I left, I was content and happy about what I was doing. All the doctors are fantastic because each one has his or her own style to medicine. It was very useful to observe the different ways each physician practices considering the rapid changes occurring in medicine. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been able to participate in the program and be exposed to the vast majority of information and experiences to prepare myself for a career in medicine.
Name: Ahmed Mayeldeen
High School: Nathaniel Narbonne High school
Grade: College Sophmore
College Plans: Transfer to Howard University
PROGRAM REVIEW: The Osborne Head and Neck Institute is a unique program that has allowed young scholars such as myself to gain an understanding of the rigorous practice of being a surgeon. As part of the program, I received incomparable exposure to a world that would have otherwise been only possible for me in my future academic endeavors. But, this program has made that opportunity possible, by challenging me to escape my comfort zone, and become a part of something bigger than myself. I joined the medical mission to Ethiopia the following year, which was an authentic experience to some of the realities that surgeons face in their line of work, and the life-altering results that make their job most rewarding .The amazing surgeons and staff have not only been exceptional mentors in the field of medicine, but also an amazing source of support. I can proudly say that this program has definitely made a positive impact on my everyday life as a student aspiring for a career in medicine.

Name: Sol Mendez
High School: Culver City High School
Grade: 10
College Plans: Going to a university right after high school if possible and to achieve all my goals and expectations and from that transferring to med school and start my career as a pediatrician for mentally challenged children.
WHY SOL APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to this mentorship program to get a view on how doctors interact day to day and to get more knowledge on what it takes to become a doctor. I also know that in medicine everything in some way is connected and relates to each other, so I felt that this program was going to help me get a more in depth idea on what I need to know before I get into my medical studies. I also saw it as a great opportunity to get exposed to the field of medicine in pursuing my dreams of becoming a doctor.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I felt like this mentornship program is really helpful to anyone who is planning on going into the medical field. I learned a lot from this program from the anatomy of the throat, ear, and nose, to life lessons that are going to benefit me later on in life. All the doctors had something new to teach me and they are all willing to help the students if the students are willing to work and learn from them. Although the program is only six weeks those six weeks are full of new information and experiences that will make you wanting more. If anyone has the chance to be part of this program should sign up for it I know if I had the chance to do it again I would.

Name: Avery Kaplan
High School: Marlborough School
Grade: 11
College Plans: I have not decided which college to attend
WHY AVERY APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: It seemed like a great experience. I wanted to learn more about the head and neck and see physicians in action dealing with patients, and real life cases.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I learned a lot from this mentorship. I got a lot of hands on experience watching the doctors work with patients. It was really fun and helped inspire me to follow what I want to do in life and hopefully become a physician myself.

Name: Casey Abrahams
High School: Archer School for Girls
Grade: 11
College Plans: 4 year college, Pre-med
WHY CASEY APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program because I wanted to get more exposure and experience in the ENT speciality. In the past, I had learned about the anatomy and diseases in other parts of the body, never in the “ear, nose, throat” area. I thought that this program would be a great opportunity for me to gain more knowledge in that specialty. I know that in the future I want to be a doctor, but I am still unclear as to what kind. I believed that this program could help me clarify, or at least narrow down, what I would want to be.
PROGRAM REVIEW: This program was absolutely amazing, a fantastic experience. Prior to the program, I thought that I wouldn’t be able to do a lot of hands-on stuff and would simply just follow the doctor around as he/she saw patients. However, it was quite the opposite. I learned how to suture, gained some great insight of anatomy/diseases, and even saw a surgery (basal cell carcinoma removal)!!!! Thank you so much to the OHNI family for welcoming me and providing me with an unforgettably amazing experience!

Name: Gentille Javidzad
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 10
College Plans: Medical School to pursue a career in the medical field possibly in radiology or endocrinology.
WHY GENTILLE APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program because I wanted to be more exposed to what it is really like to be a part of and in a medical environment. Also, I hoped to be able to learn from the Doctors affiliated in the OHNI and to use their aid to help guide me in the right path when I make my career choice in the future.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I am very satisfied and pleased by the progress of the OHNI StudentMentorship Program. Through each of the Doctors’ guidance, I was able to publish my first web journal, learn more about the ear, throat, and nose and diagnosing patients, and even learn how to suture. It was an incredible experience and I am very glad that I had the opportunity and privilege to be a part of this program. I am definitely looking forward to returning to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program.

Name: Arya Afighom
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: Attending UCLA with a Pre-med major
WHY ARYA APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program to observe what a doctor does day-to-day and try something new. Also, this program helped me decide if the path to becoming a doctor is the path I want to pursue.
PROGRAM REVIEW: This program was “down to earth” because the doctors didn’t sugarcoat their jobs and I got the feeling that they were being truthful. I thought the program was intuitive as well as informative. The program displayed the pros and cons of pursuing a career in medicine.

Name: Kira Furuichi
High School: Culver City High School
Grade: 10
College Plans: 4 Year University
WHY KIRA APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program to help me determine if I wanted to pursue a career in the medical field.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The OHNI Student Mentorship Program was an amazing experience. It was very interesting to sit in patient appointments and learn about the ENT specialty. The doctors were very enlightening about the medical field, ENT, and the process of becoming a physician. Also, the lectures the doctors provided were very educational and interesting. I would recommend the Osborne Head and Neck Institute Student Mentorship Program to anyone with an interst in the medical field, as this program is a great eye-opening experience.

Name: Kelly Yeo
High School: Culver City High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: UCLA: Biology
WHY KELLY APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I wanted to gain greater insight into the field of otolaryngology and had also heard good things about the program from other people from my school. As someone who wants to pursue medicine in the future, I felt the OHNI student mentorship program would be the perfect way to augment my understanding of the medical profession.
PROGRAM REVIEW: This program was eye-opening, informative, and a great opportunity for high school students interested in medicine. In terms of clinical knowledge, the doctors at OHNI were able to explain things in a simplistic way that was easy to understand. I was able to observe patient examinations to which the clinical information we learned could directly be applied. The doctors provided a realistic insight involving pursuing the practice of medicine, and I think any student considering going to medical school in the future should apply.

Name: Leah Broukhim
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 11
College Plans: I hope to go to Syracuse University
WHY LEAH APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: My teacher recommended I take advantage of this hands on experience, and I decided to do just that.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The OHNI Mentorship was the most enriching experience I have thus experienced. As a student in high school, I got a glimpse of what it would be like to be a doctor. I learned knew things with each day. This experience has definitely put me ahead of other students interested in medicine. I would recommend this program to any student with a passion for science. Each doctor apart of this program is genuine and brilliant.
Name: Mahak Virlley
High School: Culver City High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: To get a 4 year degree, then go to medical school
WHY MAHAK APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to this program to get a closer look into the operations of a doctors office. I wanted to become accustomed to all the little aspects that contribute to the group effort in making the office a better and comfortable place for patients.
PROGRAM REVIEW: This program has taught me more than I ever imagined. It is great and I am blessed to have had this opportunity. I will take this knowledge with me to medical school and beyond.

Name: Nathanael Mosher
High School: Culver City High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: UCLA: Biomedical Engineering
WHY NATHANAEL APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I wanted to experience the clinical setting, and especially know what it takes to be a surgeon. I’ve always been interested in orthopedic surgery and I thought this would be a good opportunity to get a glance at what the surgical setting is like. I was especially ecstatic when I heard we would be releasing a publication by the end, giving us an outlet to stand out from other aspiring medical professionals.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I love the program and wish it was longer. I would’ve liked to have worked with each doctor more than just once and got to know them more. I would like to thank especially Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton for describing to us exactly what it takes to pursue the profession and also for teaching us valuable life lessons.

Name: Nathan Aminpour
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: UC Berkeley
WHY NATHAN APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program to gain experience in the medical field. The program offered me a hands on approach on what a doctor’s life is really about. The program showed me the everyday tasks of a doctor and what it really is all about. Also because I hope to enter medicine when I am older, I felt that this experience would rally show me what my future holds.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I loved the program. All of the doctors are kind and can answer any questions you may have about ENT. There was a very friendly environment and you will look forward to attending your session every week. The program gave so many opportunities that you wont find anywhere else. The doctors also gave great advice on colleges and medical school. I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to enter the medical field.

Name: Gregory Ha
High School: Harvard-Westlake
Grade: 12
College Plans: Medical or Business
WHY GREGORY APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI program for two main reasons. One of the reasons was to really get a feel for what being a part of the medical community is all about and what is expected out of you as well as what I should expect if I were to commit to this lifestyle. Consequently, this lead to my second reason which was helping me decide what I want to major in college as I am still undecided between a few choices.
PROGRAM REVIEW: Sitting in through actual appointments gave a very real view about how the job plays out and that was very interesting. Every lecture given also was very informative and really added to the experience and gave us insight to what these doctors faced. Also, I really appreciated the talks Dr. Osbourne gave us about what you need to become a medical student and the general talks about the life of becoming a medical student and the how the medical profession will fit in your overall life.

Name: Eun Jin Kim
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: USC, Double major in Biology and English
WHY EUN APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: Ever since my very first visit to the dentist as a kid, I wanted to become a dentist myself. I had a vague sense of what it is like to be a doctor but I knew getting the gist of the profession can be only done through real-life experience.
When I heard about the OHNI Mentorship program through school, I immediately started researching about the program and the more I looked through the website the more I became certain that this was the best chance to be immersed in the medical field. With college right around the corner, I wanted to make sure I was heading toward the right career path, and this program seemed like the answer.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I absolutely loved this program and it was beyond what I expected. All of the doctors and staff at OHNI were extremely kind, helpful, intelligent, and easy to get along with. Just by observing the way they interacted with patients, I was able to tell how passionate they were about what they do. Aside from all of the general ENT education we received, the overall experience of shadowing doctors and hearing about their job was truly unforgettable.
This program helped me make the first step towards becoming a doctor by providing more hands-on experiences such as practicing endoscopy, suturing, and even publishing a web article. I am thankful for this rare opportunity that most high school students miss out on. It not only solidified my goal of becoming a dentist but also opened my eyes up to different specialties such as oncology. I cannot wait to return to this program as an undergraduate student.

Name: Chandler Polakov
High School: Calabasas High School
Grade: 11
College Plans: Plan to attend college. Haven’t applied to any yet.
WHY CHANDLER APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I was interested in learning more about medicine and seeing if this was something I would want to pursue as a career. At the time I knew a few doctors and was interested in actually seeing a doctor at work. I was curious to see the way they acted and handled different patients that came in to see them.
PROGRAM REVIEW: This program definitely helped push me towards a career in medicine. With the lecture from Dr. Osborne, as well as the lectures from the other doctors, I have taken so much information back with me that I will refer to for the rest of my life.
With all of patients I met I realized what power a doctor has in the world and what an impact they have on people’s lives. By the end of the program, I knew that medicine was a great field to go into. The feeling all the doctors described from helping the patients that come to see them made me realize that I would love to feel that way too. I will always remember the time I spent at the Osbourne Head and Neck Institute. It was an experience that I will never forget.

Name: Christopher Lewis
College: Amherst College
Grade: n/a
College Plans: I will complete my undergraduate degree in Chemistry in May 2013 and I hope to enter medical school in the Fall of 2014.
WHY CHRISTOPHER APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program because I felt a shadowing experience was important for my development. As a rising college senior, I believe it was essential for me to materialize life as a physician.
Although I am still in the academic phase of medicine, understanding my future role once I begin practicing would help me realize whether I am suited for medicine. Also, I wanted to understand how the physician interacts with patients and fellow medical colleagues. Since I hope to have high patient contact during my prospective career, it was very important to actualize how the physician approaches his patients in different scenarios.
Also, I wanted to comprehend the mindset and spirit that makes the physician effective and considerate. The OHNI Student Mentorship Program appeared to provide an experience that focuses on the total person. Therefore, I wanted to participate in this opportunity because I could understand the tangible and intangible characteristics of physicians.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The OHNI Student Mentorship Program provided a rigorous but exciting experience. I grew comfortable with the medical specialty of otolaryngology and learned about the challenges of surgery and cancer. Though I entered feeling inexperienced, I finished with more self-confidence and a better understanding of how medicine is developing and changing. The program exceeded all of my expectations and provided a thorough experience.
The shadowing aspect of the program was enriching because I saw the care that Dr. Osborne, Dr. Hamilton, and Dr. Gupta offered to assure that they understood the patient’s concerns and complaints. Also, the lecture series was very insightful because it highlighted common cases that were seen within the practice. The most rewarding and challenging aspect of my experience was surgery. I appreciated this opportunity because I observed how the doctors proceed during an operation. Although I did not operate on any patient, I felt very involved in the process because I was asked questions about the procedure and the anatomy. Also, the questioning helped me understand why the doctor proceeded through the surgery in a particular manner.
The entire program was an enriching, educational experience. I was challenged to my limits and pushed to achieve more than surface knowledge. I believe I finished the program with a better understanding of the work ethic needed to succeed in medical school and a prospective medical career. I thank Dr. Osborne and Dr. Hamilton for their words of wisdom and challenging demeanor during this experience. I would also like to thank the entire OHNI practice for providing this opportunity and offering a helping hand to my development in medicine.

Name: Leah Baum
College: UCSD
Grade: n/a
College Plans: University of California, San Diego
WHY LEAH APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: As a premedical student in college, I wanted to explore different medical settings and specialties. This program appealed to me because it offered a hands-on approach that would allow me to shadow world-class doctors for an extended period of time, to observe surgery, and to do research.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I learned so much over the course of the program beyond the study of the head and neck, including a variety of ways to interact with a patient and the level of commitment needed to pursue a career in the medical field. Everyone in the practice was helpful and willing to answer my questions.
I especially appreciate being able to observe two surgeries; they were fascinating and further motivated me to continue on the medical career track. Also, spending a day at medical school and having the ability not only to talk with medical students, but also to participate in the activities was enlightening as to what to expect in the future. Thank you for running this program!

Name: Megan Yee
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: UC Berkeley: Psychology/Premed
WHY MEGAN APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied because I was truly interested in learning more about the ear, neck and throat along with its associated diseases. I wanted to broaden my medical exposure so that I can see what specialities would be most suited for me. I also thought the OHNI Student Mentorship Program was a great opportunity to see a day in the life for the doctors and their normal routines.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I am very pleased and appreciative of the program. I felt like I gained a lot of knowledge that I know will be applicable later on in life. I am especially grateful for the doctors who are so invested and truly care for each student’s experience. What I like most about the program is that it provides the student the ability to learn on their own and problem solve different circumstances. This was a wonderful program overall.

Name: Ethan Lew
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 10
College Plans: 4 Year College, Medical School, Fellowship, etc.
WHY ETHAN APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I found this program through my school bulletin and was very eager to apply as I want to study medicine in the future. I wanted to see and experience what it is like to be a specialist in the medical field.
PROGRAM REVIEW: I absolutely loved it! Very, very informative with helpful doctors and friendly staff who will answer any of your questions. Throughout my entire experience I learned things I probably could have never learned elsewhere. I definitely recommended this program to ambitious people willing to dedicate about two hours of their week.

Name: Daniel Popovsky
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 10
College Plans: Wanting to go into Pre-Med
WHY DANIEL APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: To have a great learning experience from proffesionals in the medical field and to see if I want to go into medicine.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The OHNI mentorship program helped me learn a lot about being a doctor. Every doctor is very nice and they give you real facts that are not sugar coated. They can help with your schooling decisions and college choices. I highly reccomend this to anyone wanting
to go into the medical field.

Name: Michelle Castanaza
High School: Culver City High School
Grade: 11
College Plans: USC, Biology
WHY MICHELLE APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied at OHNI because my counselor recommended it to me. When I am older I would like to be a doctor and I still am undecided of what kind of doctor I want to be. But this program really allowed be to see and experience what a doctor does on a daily basis.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The program was an excellent opportunity to learn, experience, and have an understanding of what a doctor does. I believe that this program need to continue. I am so bless and glad to be a part of the OHNI family.

Name: Shakeeb Ghacha
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 11
College Plans: UCLA med school
WHY SHAKEEB APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: This is by far the greatest hands on experience any student of medicine could hope for. the type of learning we do here at OHNI is the same type of learning first year med students are acquiring. i applied simply because i am serious about becoming a certified healer, therefor i came to the best place in order to gain a couple of steps over the competition. Thank you all at OHNI.
PROGRAM REVIEW: Greatest experience any teenager could acquire in the medical field. all of the doctors are very educational and real with their knowledge.

Name: Sahar Mahmood
High School: Culver City High School
Grade: 11
College Plans: UCLA
WHY SAHAR APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: To get a hands on experience of what a medical field is like. I wanted to see if this could be my major and if could look forward to myself as a doctor in the near future.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The Osborne Head and Neck program was very interesting. I got to learn a lot about different specialities in a medical field. I was very proud of myself since i got to be a part of this interesting program.
Name: Parmis Sahrapima
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 10
College Plans: Majoring in Internal Medicine
WHY PARMIS APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program to receive a different type of experience in the field of medicine. I wanted to receive an outlook on the field of medicine not only from a textbook, but from physicians and doctors who actually work in the field. In order for me to realize whether the field of medicine is truly what I want to enter in the future, I believed it necessary for me to be exposed to the opportunities provided by the OHNI Student Mentorship Program.
PROGRAM REVIEW: Being a part of the Osborne Student Program has had a great impact on me and has truly changed the way that I now view the field of medicine. Not only was I able to receive detailed explanations regarding the diseases, disorders, and cancers that affect head and neck areas in patients, but I was also taught that being successful in medicine requires much more than just knowledge. Being successful in medicine requires a strong character and motivation in times of loss, and I am truly thankful to the doctors at the Osborne Head and Neck Institute for making me realize this. I am truly thankful to all of the doctors for their great fulfilling lectures on patients that they themselves had actually performed treatments and surgery on. It was great to be a part of such a realistic setting, and it was an experience that I will always cherish since it does not come by so often.

Name: Jacob Azizi
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 11
College Plans: SMC transfer to UCLA
WHY JACOB APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: To get more of a feel of medical practices, and to gain experience of how doctors interact with patients.
PROGRAM REVIEW: Applying to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program made my thoughts more of a solid. Throughout the six weeks of the course, shadowing doctors, observing the interaction between doctor to patient, and as well as gaining more information about the human anatomy really fulfilled my thoughts of becoming a doctor in the future. Having the opportunity to be apart of such program really made my choices and my path for my future to be much more clear. Overall, to anyone who has thoughts on becoming a doctor or thinks they are interested, it is an opportunity that you would definitely not want to miss out on. Definitely would recommend to a friend.

Name: Edward Lee
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 12
College Plans: George Washington University, Undecided
WHY EDWARD APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program in order to expand my horizons, to explore beyond the superficial stereotype that surrounds the job of a doctor. Wishing for a future in helping my community, I pursued the program in order to confirm that I truly wished to pursue medicine.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The Osborne Head and Neck Institute gave me a great opportunity for a real look into the daily life of a doctor, knowledge which I believe is critical for the career of your interest. All of the doctors are extremely friendly and provide very clear explanations of common ENT procedures they perform on the patients. They also managed to skillfully make their lectures engaging and interesting.
I would definitely recommend this program to any prospective student interested in the field of medicine. This program gives the real, clear message of whether you belong in the path of medicine, as the doctors not only provide information of multiple medical procedures, but also on the changing expectations and experiences of doctors that are now very different from what the public commonly perceives.

Name: Daniella Pourmoradi
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: Freshman in College
College Plans: Plan to transfer to UCLA
I applied to the OHNI Student Mentorship Program to gain more knowledge about the medical field and the day-to-day tasks of a doctor. The program seemed like a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the medical field.
The OHNI Student Mentorship Program was a wonderful experience! The program gave me much exposure to many aspects of the daily tasks of an MD; it was a great opportunity to observe the interaction between the doctors and the patients. Each of the doctors that we observed while working with patients were compassionate and caring towards their patients, which gave me a new perspective on their profession. The doctors were very friendly and did not hesitate to answer any of our questions, which was helpful and enriching.
It was truly a unique experience to have doctors lecture us on material that they are extremely knowledgeable and passionate about. From this experience, I gained much insight into the profession of an MD, and I feel that it was a privilege to have had this opportunity to work with such dedicated and kind people. This experience has helped reaffirm my desire to pursue a career in the medical field.

Name: Ariel Azhdam
High School: Beverly Hills High School
College Plans: Attend a 4-year university – Premed
I applied to this program to gain more insight into the life of a physician. Because I would like to become a doctor, I was very interested when I first heard about what this program has to offer, such as observing patient consultations, witnessing procedures, and listening to lectures on important aspects of medicine.
I am very satisfied with this program. The doctors were very kind people, explained everything clearly, and made sure that we understood what was being taught. They gave me the true facts of what it takes to become a doctor, and I greatly appreciate that. I recommend this to anyone interested in the medical field.

Name: Isabella Acosta
High School: Culver City High School
College Plans: Mount St. Mary’s College- Nursing
I applied to OHNI Student Mentorship Program because I wanted the exposure of working in a clinical area and the experience of shadowing a doctor. It also help me decide what medical field I want to go into, which is pediatric oncology nurse. When my ROP counselor told me that the ROP nursing program at my high school got cut this year she told me about this mentorship program, I became so excited that I filled out the application in a few days.
The program was a great experience; the doctors were friendly and easy to talk to. It also gave a hands on approach to certain topics and I actually learn stuff that other volunteer program couldn’t offer. The doctors would answer any question pertaining to the topic of the day or anything that dealt with medical school. The environment was uplifting because everyone, including other students, were like a mini family for six weeks.

Name: Nicole Partovy
High School: Beverly Hills High School
College Plans: UCLA, Humanities
When I first heard about the program, I immediately began the application because I was so excited. I applied because the program seems unmatched by any other in that it provides high school students real experience in the medical field. I have always wanted an experience such as this and the program exceeded my expectations!
This program has been an eye-opening experience that both helped me develop my intellectual vitality and to truly picture life as a medical professional. The amazing world-class doctors that I had the privilege of working with demonstrated the importance of patient care and genuine passion in the medical profession. Not only was I exposed to a wide array of medical procedures, but I was also shown the human aspects of the medical field. The program cultivated my interest in medicine and also sparred my curiosity, which is a priceless asset that cannot be acquired from a textbook or a classroom. The Osborne Head and Neck Institute Student Mentorship Program is truly exceptional and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone who is willing to learn, and is enthusiastic about having a life-affirming experience!

Name: Ariella Mahgerefteh
High School: Beverly Hills High School
College Plans: Santa Monica Community College
I applied to this program because I wanted to be exposed to the reality of a day in a doctor’s office. I plan to go into the medical field in the future, and I feel that this program has reinforced my decision to do so.
This program has given me a realistic view of the dedication being a doctor requires. I learned something different from every doctor regarding their journey into medicine and their lives now. They all explained the significance of constantly keeping yourself updated with all of the medical advancements which constantly change the medical world. I loved having the opportunity to see patients with the doctors. All the doctors were so excited to teach me everything about ENT. This program allowed me to work and learn side by side with a doctor for the first time in my life. While volunteering at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center as a Teen Volunteer I got an overview of what doctors at the hospital do, but I never had a chance to personally meet and learn from them. I understand the extremely busy life styles of the doctors and staff at The Osborne Head and Neck Institute have, and I truly appreciate all the time and energy that they individually put into this educational program.

Name: Jackie Kruglyakova
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 11
College Plans: USC, Biology
WHY JACKIE APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I applied to this program primarily because I wanted to gain a better, more elaborate view of the medical field. I was interested in seeing what it would be like to become a physician- see patients, perform surgeries, etc.
PROGRAM REVIEW: The Student Mentorship Program at the Osborne Head & Neck Institute provided me with a remarkable opportunity to engage in a 6-week program that tested my interest and passion for medicine. During the six weeks, I was introduced to some of the best professionals in the field of otolaryngology. I observed patient interviews and examinations, became familiar with the latest innovative medical techniques, and witnessed a live surgery. In a addition, I was able to enhance my communication skills and meet some of the most intelligent and genial physicians in the practice. It was truly an honor to have been selected for such an engaging and educational program.

Name: George Qiao-Guan
High School: Beverly Hills High School
Grade: 11
College Plans: UCLA, Biology major
WHY GEORGE APPLIED TO THE OHNI STUDENT MENTORSHIP PROGRAM: I was extremely curious about the ENT field; I had so many questions but no one to answer them. I wanted to see the routine that a doctor had to do on a regular basis. This program allowed me to experience how a doctor in a daily afternoon.
PROGRAM REVIEW: This program is a terrific experience The opportunities which were presented here are excellent. Being able to observe a surgeon operate on a patient really opens up your eyes to the duties of the profession. Seeing how a doctor interacts with their patients was a terrific help to observe. I learned a significant amount from the program. Whether it be interacting with patients or the structure of the inner ear, I felt that it was truly educational.

Name: Ayana Ussery
High School: Culver City High School
College Plans: Pre-Med Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA
I applied to this program because I wanted to shadow surgeons. I find medicine very interesting and I wanted to learn more about the field I plan to study and, ultimately, later work in.
I really like this program. I wish it was longer. I enjoy the chance to experience different “standard” procedures. The doctors are really nice and easy to work with. Also they explain things in an understandable way for people like me that do not have medical training. I am very happy I have gotten the chance to participate in this program. The various procedures were all very fascinating to observe. I like the fact that we have to dress like the employees of the institute, it makes me feel like part of the group. Even though I sometimes found it hard to get to Cedars Sinai, I appreciated the warm reception I received when I got to the institute. This is a really great program and I can’t wait to refer others.

Name: Rosheen Birdie
High School: Beverly Hills High School
College Plans: Pre-Med UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
I am interested in becoming a doctor in the future and studying medicine. The program was a great opportunity for me to get acquainted with the medical field and experience/ witness basic procedures as well as learn a lot about head and neck surgeries, pathology and procedures.
The program has taught me a lot about advanced head and neck procedures. The doctors we shadow also describe the procedures very clearly and comprehensively enabling us to understand them well. I have also learned a lot about the modern technology that is now available to conduct ENT procedures such as laryngoscopy. Patient care is also really great. I am learning a lot about how to work with many different kinds of patients with different temperaments and in all the experience thus far is an extremely valuable one and is teaching me a range of lessons and pointers which I believe will greatly assist me in the future. I look forward to the next three weeks and learning more about ENT.