Medical Mission 2016
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The Osborne Head and Neck Foundation attempted the impossible. In January 2016, we set out to Addis Ababa on a self funded medical mission to help the people of Africa. We set out for Ethiopia carrying fifty duffle bags filled with medical supplies and surgical instruments with the hope to help. Performing head and neck surgery in an under served third world country would be difficult and test all of our skills. With the dedicated and incredible talent of our team, the mission was a great success.

We did It!
Together we improved the lives of many Ethiopian people. Thank you to everyone who made this possible!
You can continue important work like this, by joining our monthly members in making a gift of support.
$25,000 of $25,000 raised
At A Glance:
Adddis Ababa, Ethiopia
Population: 2.7 million
Languages: Amharic, English, Arabic, Italian, French and many more
Living in Poverty: 24%
Poverty Defined: Earning less than $150 US a month
Mission Facts:
Fundraising Goal: $25,000
Partners: International Surgical Mission Support
Volunteers: Surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, and medical support staff
Impact: Our team of volunteers worked for 10 days, performing head and neck surgeries, providing medical care, upgrading the current hospital conditions, educating the local physicians, and caring for children in a nearby orphanage. Patients had been waiting for years for head and neck surgeons to take care of them, but there were no ENT surgeons to help.
Learn More About Our Global Projects
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