Team At-A-Glance:
Team Start Date:

Team Profile

Sarp Dora Kurtoglu
Throughout my life, I moved many times, facing the challenges of adapting to a new country, culture, and language with each move. These series of experiences helped me understand the importance of being able to construct lingual and cultural bridges among different communities. The same challenges exist in healthcare. Over time, I have better learned the essential role that effective communication and diversity plays in all areas of medicine. The Foundation’s international work, especially the medical missions hoping to serve people without access to healthcare, inspired and allowed me to focus my international identity into trying to help diverse communities in need. The Foundation is very successful at constructing cultural bridges and facilitating the delivery of medicine no matter whom it is serving.

Liam Landon
My name is Liam Landon, and I discovered my passion for medicine at OHNI. I was born and raised in Los Angeles where I learned through a mix of personal and professional experiences just how much people need help from one another. Being a somewhat rowdy and irresponsible child, I gained my fair share of experiences with medical professionals early on and have held the profession in high regard for as long as I can remember. These experiences mixed with a strong curiosity in science drove me to pursue medicine in my high school years, where I found myself at the OHNI.
The MSP and OHNI holistically introduced me to the medical profession, and taught me the lessons of medicine that can’t be learned from a book. The OHNI is a special place that seeks not only to treat their patients but to treat their community as well. I work with the foundation because I want to be a part of their mission and inspire others, the same way they inspired me.

Jackie Musico
My name is Jackie Musico, and I am a first year Neuroscience major at the University of California, Los Angeles. Growing up as the daughter of a single mom, I always felt like a piece of my life, and even myself, was missing in the absence of my father. When I became old enough to understand health conditions and heart attacks and death, I turned to medicine. My young brain determined that as a physician, I could save someone’s father and give a child the chance to feel whole. The dream lived in the back of my mind as I worked hard in high school as a student, athlete, and community member.
As a Medical Scholar in the summer of 2019, I shadowed the lives of brilliant ENT physicians, scrubbed into several surgeries, and became enamored with our mission of equitable healthcare across the globe. I gained invaluable knowledge, but above all, I felt a great sense of pride when meeting with joyful post-operative patients and their families. Although the patients I encountered came from all different backgrounds and experienced a variety of health conditions, the running theme maintained that the Osborne Head and Neck Foundation changed their lives for the better.
The people of Guatemala City, Guatemala are waiting for us. There are grandparents, parents, children, siblings, and community icons who need the best ENT care we have to offer. With the opportunity to travel on our medical mission, I fundraise to assure that no patient in need is left behind. I fundraise to finally heal my childhood wound with the health, joy, and gratitude of the Guatemalans we will serve in December 2021.
Make A Gift!
Your gift today is building a Medical Community Center for those without access to the life-saving head and neck services they need.
Donations on this page help team “Medical Scholars” reach their $25,000 fundraising goal!
Team At-A-Glance:
Sarp Dora Kurtoglu
Liam Landon
Jackie Musico
Kelly Richardson
Team Start Date:
April 2020
Medical Community Center

Learn more about patient services the Capital Campaign will expand
Medical Community Center

Learn more about patient services the Capital Campaign will expand
Donate & Change A Life
Your gift today is building a medical community center for those without access to the life-saving head and neck services they need.
Never before has there been a place in Los Angeles dedicated to removing barriers to care, and improving the quality of life for those fighting ear, nose and throat diseases. Your leadership will make our community stronger, healthier, and make the Foundation ready to take on a new chapter of humanitarian aid.
Is my gift tax deductible?
The Osborne Head & Neck Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, so your gift is tax deductible up to the full extent of the law. Please consult a tax adviser to ensure your contribution is reflected accurately in your tax filings.
Can I mail you my campaign contribution?
YES! - Use the address below and be sure to include "Capital Campaign" on your check or money order.
Osborne Head & Neck Foundation
8631 W. Third Street, Suite 945E
Los Angeles, CA 90048