When Osborne Head and Neck Institute first became involved in VOICE 2010, it had been on the verge of cancellation, with no major sponsor on board. Thousands of anxious voice-over professionals risked losing a very valuable educational resource. Understanding the importance of this event to these artists, the Osborne Head and Neck Institute became premiere sponsors of VOICE 2010, thereby enabling the event to occur.

With OHNI’s sponsorship came a brand new element that was critical to the voiceover community: how to care for their voices. Previously, events and displays focused on the hardware of recording techniques of voice use, and demonstrations of technology. Never had their been a group that offered these artists the opportunity to learn about and care for their voice.
Dr. Reena Gupta headed the physicians in providing medical laryngoscopies (examinations of the voice) to all participants. Participants were allowed to view their vocal folds and ask the OHNI physicians questions about their examination. Participants were stunned to see what was available and overjoyed when a visit to the OHNI booth resulted in personal time with a physician and the rare opportunity to see their vocal folds.
“ I was amazed that I was able to see how my vocal cords actually worked. All these years, I have been doing voiceover and taking voice lesions, but I took my vocal health for granted. Thank you Dr. Gupta for all this great information. What would we do without you!”
-J.P. Voice 2010 Participant

This conference has been held every other year, for several years. VOICE 2010 yielded the largest turn out of voice professionals to date. Voiceover artists came from across the country and across the globe to listen to Dr. Gupta lecture and to have her evaluate their voice health. Dr. Gupta continues to treat these professional voice patients in her office; they have become lifelong friends and patients.
“I have always been frustrated by the lack of care and attention that voice professionals receive. They are often forced to settle for sub-standard voice care due to lack of awareness of professional voice care or insurance issues. My goal was to at least teach these professionals about the standard of care they should receive, so they know to pursue it. Their livelihoods depend on it. If I achieved nothing else, that alone is worthwhile to me”
-Dr. Reena Gupta
The Foundation at Work: Dr. Gupta was able to provide these medical services by transporting medical equipment to this event. Previous laryngology equipment was too big to maneuver out of the patient exam rooms. However with the help of the Osborne Head and Neck Foundation, portable exam equipment was purchased to use outside the office setting. This portable equipment was instrumental in educating the voice community and providing medical services to patients unable to come into the office.
To read about the event and view the photos,
please visit: http://voice-international.com.