You are a first-responder
for our community
The Osborne Head & Neck Foundation has never walked away from our community during tough times. Now, more than ever, we need to ensure that medical resources and surgical services are available for those who need them the most in the United States.
With your support, our Community Action Response Effort Fund, or CARE FUND, will continue critical services for low and no income patients. Thank you for your gift.
The Osborne Head & Neck Foundation serves low-income patients, with difficulty accessing life-saving surgical care. Our patients are disproportionately impacted when there are limitations on medical resources, business closures and public transportation interruption.
As resources shift to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, the necessary actions of state and local governments, hospitals, and medical providers have disrupted the normal flow of care. Restrictions on operating rooms, use of equipment, and limited access to medical supplies has put additional pressures on those most in need, delaying their medical attention.
We are committed to the continued care of those most vulnerable during this time. With the postponement of regular fundraising events, your support is needed now more than ever.
The Osborne Head & Neck Foundation serves low-income patients, with difficulty accessing life-saving surgical care. Our patients are disproportionately impacted when there are limitations on medical resources, business closures and public transportation interruption.
As resources shift to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus, the necessary actions of state and local governments, hospitals, and medical providers have disrupted the normal flow of care. Restrictions on operating rooms, use of equipment, and limited access to medical supplies has put additional pressures on those most in need, delaying their medical attention.
We are committed to the continued care of those most vulnerable during this time. With the postponement of regular fundraising events, your support is needed now more than ever.
The Osborne Head & Neck Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.Your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.